Good Ones,
I’m not sending out my usual feminist and justice-based advice column for creators with conundrums this month. You may have noticed that it hasn’t gone out the past few months. This is what I’ve been up to instead:
leading the Autumn Follow-through Sessions and supporting some amazing creators in their diverse practices;
doing one-on-one Shine Sessions;
considering new business models for The Creative Good in the new year (I’m pondering a lower cost membership platform);
recovering from my first COVID infection (blergh);
prioritizing my own creative practice in a big way by launching Jill Margo Herbarium, an online shop selling prints of my pressed flower compositions and herbarium specimens.
In other words, because I’m a one woman show (with chronic illness to boot) I just can’t do ALL THE THINGS. I also believe in resisting the productivity culture that comes with capitalism, so I refuse to push myself to burnout anymore, which means sometimes things get put on pause, like the advice column.
Now that my shop is launched (and just had a very successful opening two weeks—huzzah!), I’ve turned my focus back to The Creative Good and am currently at the tail-end of the intake for my winter offerings. That’s why I’m writing today. To make sure you know what I’m offering. If you didn’t already see my carousel post on Instagram, I thought I’d share it here to give you some visuals.
Okay, so now you know. The Seasonal Creator Winter Workshop is coming up NEXT WEEK and the Winter Follow-through Sessions are starting back up in January. I hope that some of you will apply/register for these offerings. Both are tried & true and highly rated by participants.
I’ll be back in the new year with the usual issues of The Creative Goods. In the meantime, I want to express my gratitude to all of you who’ve been part of The Creative Good this year. And to those who haven’t participated, I hope we’ll cross paths yet! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I’m always happy to chat about how I can help you and if The Creative Good is a good fit for you.
That’s it for now. Thank you for having me in your inbox. Wishing you a cozy holiday season ahead—however you celebrate (or not)—and a generative new year.
Good things,
Happy to be part of your amazing community, Jill. You do good stuff! 😄